Indian Railways : Trains between Kopargaon and Ahmednagar Station Code : KPG & ANG

Trains between Stations

Station History

Trains Between Stations Info

From Station : Kopargaon (KPG)

To Station : Ahmednagar (ANG)

Trains between Stations

S No
Train No
Train Name
Origin Station
Destination Station
Travel Class Remarks
1 02730 NED PUNE SPL H Sahib Nanded Pune Jn 03:50 0 05:32 0 1 Hrs 42 Mins SAT 2A 3A SL
2 01201 AJNI LTT SPL New Amravati Pandharpur 01:05 0 03:08 0 2 Hrs 3 Mins FRI
3 09713 Jp Sur Special Jaipur Solapur Jn 14:33 0 17:57 0 3 Hrs 24 Mins MON
4 01203 Ngp Pune Superfast Special Khamgaon Pandharpur 01:05 0 03:08 0 2 Hrs 3 Mins MON
5 01452 LJN PUNE Special Lucknow Ne Pune Jn 05:40 0 07:27 0 1 Hrs 47 Mins THU
6 01478 NZM PUNE Special H Nizamuddin Pune Jn 02:30 0 04:10 0 1 Hrs 40 Mins THU
7 05023 GKP PUNE SPL Gorakhpur Jn Pune Jn 17:20 0 19:50 0 2 Hrs 30 Mins THU
8 01652 HBJ PUNE SPECIAL Habibganj Pune Jn 03:50 0 05:32 0 1 Hrs 42 Mins SAT
9 06230 BSB MYS SPL Varanasi Jn Mysore Jn 19:50 0 22:27 0 2 Hrs 37 Mins THU
10 07629 NED AJNI SPL H Sahib Nanded Pune Jn 14:27 0 16:20 0 1 Hrs 53 Mins WED
11 03253 Pnbe Pune Holi Patna Jn Pune Jn 13:52 0 15:40 0 1 Hrs 48 Mins SAT
12 02114 Nagpur - Solapur SuperFast SpecialFare Special Nagpur Solapur 06:00 0 07:38 0 1 Hrs 38 Mins FRI SL
13 01656 Jabalpur - Pune Special Fare Special Jabalpur Pune 20:55 1 22:58 1 2 Hrs 3 Mins MON 2A 3A SL
14 11408 Lucknow Jn - Pune Express Lucknow NER Pune 05:20 1 06:43 1 1 Hrs 23 Mins THU 2A 3A SL
15 12730 Hazur Sahib Nanded - Pune SF Express Hazur Sahib Nanded Pune 03:40 1 05:33 1 1 Hrs 53 Mins TUE SUN 2A 3A SL
16 02822 Santragachi - Pune One-Way SF Special Santragachi Pune 20:20 0 22:57 0 2 Hrs 37 Mins SAT
17 11034 Darbhanga - Pune Gyan Ganga Express Darbhanga Pune 02:20 2 04:10 2 1 Hrs 50 Mins FRI 2A 3A SL
18 11046 Deekshabhoomi Express Dhanbad Kolhapur SCSMT 13:15 1 15:27 1 2 Hrs 12 Mins MON 3A SL
19 11040 Maharashtra Express Gondia Kolhapur SCSMT 21:50 1 00:37 2 2 Hrs 47 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL
20 02112 Nagpur - Solapur SuperFast SpecialFare Special Nagpur Solapur 02:20 0 04:10 0 1 Hrs 50 Mins MON SL
21 02846 Hatia - Pune Weekly SF SpecialFare Special HATIA PUNE JN 20:20 1 22:57 1 2 Hrs 37 Mins WED
22 22152 Kazipet - Pune Weekly SF Express Kazipet Pune 05:20 2 06:43 1 1 Hrs 23 Mins SUN 2A 3A SL
23 01664 Habibganj - Dharwad Special Fare Special HabibGanj Dharwad 03:40 1 05:32 1 1 Hrs 52 Mins FRI 1A 2A 3A SL
24 11078 Jhelum Express Jammu Tawi Pune 09:15 1 11:02 1 1 Hrs 47 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL
25 12136 Nagpur - Pune SF Express Nagpur Pune 04:10 1 05:50 1 1 Hrs 40 Mins MON WED SAT 2A 3A SL
26 12130 Azad Hind Express Howrah Pune 01:15 1 03:27 2 2 Hrs 12 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL
27 12150 Danapur - Pune SF Express Danapur Pune 00:05 1 01:50 2 1 Hrs 45 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL
28 12148 Hazrat Nizamuddin - SCSMT Kolhapur SF Express Hazrat Nizamuddin Kolhapur SCSMT 03:40 1 05:33 1 1 Hrs 53 Mins THU 2A 3A SL
29 51116 Dhule - Chalisgaon - Pune Composite Express Slip Dhule Pune 21:50 1 00:37 0 2 Hrs 47 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN
30 51402 Manmad - Pune Passenger Manmad Pune 22:10 1 01:55 2 3 Hrs 45 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN SL
31 51422 Nizamabad - Pune Passenger Nizamabad Pune 12:50 1 15:50 0 3 Hrs 0 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN SL
32 12628 Karnataka Express New Delhi KSR Bengaluru City 16:40 1 18:17 2 1 Hrs 37 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL 2S
33 12780 Goa Express Hazrat Nizamuddin Vasco-da-Gama 12:20 1 14:15 2 1 Hrs 55 Mins MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 2A 3A SL 2S
34 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express Bilaspur Pune 04:00 1 05:27 2 1 Hrs 27 Mins THU 1A 2A 3A SL 2S
35 22132 Banaras - Pune SF Express Banaras Pune 02:30 1 03:55 2 1 Hrs 25 Mins WED 2A 3A SL 2S
36 22118 Amravati - Pune AC SuperFast Express Amravati Pune 02:20 1 03:55 2 1 Hrs 35 Mins THU
37 22172 Rani Kamlapati Rani Kamlapati Pune 01:25 1 03:10 1 1 Hrs 45 Mins SAT 3A
38 22845 Hatia - Pune SF Express Hatia Pune 20:17 1 23:03 2 2 Hrs 46 Mins MON FRI 1A 2A 3A SL 2S

Route from Kopargaon to Ahmednagar

Kopargaon (KPG) - Ahmednagar (ANG) : Trains between FAQ

Q : How to check Trains between Stations Online?

A : You can check IRCTC Trains between Stations or the Trains running between Stations of any Indian Railways here at Indian Railways Trains Between Stations.
This is one of the fastest ways to get correct information and find trains between two station in real time.
All you need to do is enter the From & To Station Name or Code in box above to get the updated schedule of the train.
You can find Station Name or code by just entering first 3 letters and it will show you a list from which you can select the station.
Trains between Stations can also be checked at every station where enquiry counters are available for this purpose.

Q : How to check Trains between Stations through SMS?

A : Not Possible. Indian Railways does not provide this facility.

Q : How to check Trains between Stations through Phone?

A : Railway Enquiry Number : Call 139

Q : What does the Trains between Stations headings mean?

A : S.No: Serial No's of Trains which stops between the two Stations.
Train Number: Number of the Train which stops between the two queried Stations.
Train Name: Name of the Train which stops between the two queried Stations.
Scheduled Departure Time: Time at which train is scheduled to depart From Station.
Scheduled Arrival Time: Time at which train is scheduled to arrive at To Station.
Platform Number: The platform number where the train is scheduled to depart From Station.
S/M/T/W/T/F/S: Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday . Weekdays on which train runs.
Travel CLass: Available Travel Class on the Train

Q : How is Trains between Stations Helpful?

A : Many time passengers are not aware that there are multiple options for their desired destination.
They normally just look for trains based on their earlier travel pattern.
But Indian Railways is now launching new trains regularly. Also many trains are being extended to newer stations.
Thus it is very helpful to get a Glance at all the available trains to any destination alongside each other as it helps in better planning of your Journey.

Q : Why do i get Error. Please try later : Message / Status?

A : If Trains between Stations for your queried stations is not delivered, the following reasons could be responsible:
1 - You entered an incorrect or invalid station/s.
2 - Indian Railways server is down or overloaded.

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