Indian Railways : Rae Bareli Junction : All Trains Station Code : RBL

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Station : Rae Bareli Junction (RBL)

Station Detail

Station Code Station Name Division State Latitude Longitude Top 100 Important
RBL Rae Bareli Junction NR/Northern Uttar Pradesh 26.2328 81.2387 N Y

Trains Sortable

S No
Train No
Train Name
Origin Station
Destination Station
Travel Class Remarks
1 04511 Prayag Ghat - Amb Andaura Ardh Kumbh Mela Special Fare Special Prayag Ghat Amb Andaura 01:01 01:03 0 Min 0 SUN MON
2 12372 Jaisalmer - Howrah SF Express Jaisalmer Howrah Junction 01:00 01:05 5 Min 2 THU 1A 2A 3A SL
3 03291 Pnbe Anvt Special Patna Junction Old Delhi Junction 01:55 02:00 5 Min 0 SUN WED SAT
4 12354 Lal Kuan - Howrah Weekly SF Express Lal Kuan Junction Howrah Junction 02:35 02:40 5 Min 3 SAT 2A 3A SL
5 14866 02:45 02:50 5 Min 3
6 12174 Udyog Nagri Express Pratapgarh Junction Lokmanya Tilak Terminus 03:23 03:25 2 Min 2 TUE THU 2A 3A SL
7 14259 Ekatmata Express Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction Lucknow Charbagh Nr 03:28 03:30 2 Min 0 SUN 1A 3A SL
8 14003 Malda Town - New Delhi Express Malda Town New Delhi 03:28 03:30 2 Min 2 TUE SAT 1A 2A 3A SL
9 14307 Prayagraj Sangam - Bareilly Express Prayagraj Sangam Bareilly Junction 03:50 03:55 5 Min 2 DAILY 3A SL
10 14004 New Delhi - Malda Town Express New Delhi Malda Town 04:01 04:03 2 Min 3 SUN THU 1A 2A 3A SL
11 13430 Anand Vihar Terminal - Malda Town Weekly Express Anand Vihar Terminal Malda Town 04:35 04:40 5 Min 3 SAT 2A 3A SL
12 14369 Singrauli - Tanakpur Triveni Express Singrauli Tanakpur 05:25 05:30 5 Min 2 TUE THU SAT 2A 3A SL 2S
13 15073 Singrauli - Tanakpur Triveni Express Singrauli Tanakpur 05:25 05:30 5 Min 2 TUE THU SAT 2A 3A SL 2S
14 15077 Barwadih - Tanakpur Triveni Link Express Barwadih Junction Tanakpur 05:30 05:35 5 Min 2 DAILY SL
15 84369 Tribeni Express Barwadih Junction Bareilly Junction 05:35 05:40 5 Min 0 DAILY SL
16 14208 Padmavat Express Old Delhi Junction Pratapgarh Junction 06:12 06:17 5 Min 3 DAILY 1A 2A 3A SL
17 14512 Nauchandi Express Saharanpur Junction Prayagraj Sangam 06:45 06:50 5 Min 0 DAILY 1A 2A 3A SL 2S
18 12183 Bhopal - Pratapgarh SF Express Bhopal Junction Pratapgarh Junction 07:18 07:20 2 Min 3 SUN TUE FRI 2A 3A SL
19 74201 Pratapgarh - Lucknow DEMU Pratapgarh Junction Lucknow Charbagh Nr 07:45 07:48 3 Min 2 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT
20 12539 Yesvantpur - Lucknow SF Express Yesvantpur Junction Lucknow Charbagh Nr 08:52 08:57 5 Min 0 WED 2A 3A SL 2S
21 14219 Banaras - Lucknow Intercity Express Lucknow Charbagh Nr 09:20 09:25 5 Min 0 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT CC
22 12875 Neelachal Express Puri Anand Vihar Terminal 11:05 11:10 5 Min 1 SUN TUE FRI 2A 3A SL
23 12356 Archana SF Express Jammu Tawi Patna Junction 11:38 11:40 2 Min 1 SUN WED 2A 3A SL
24 03004 Jat Hwh Superfast Special Jammu Tawi Howrah Junction 14:07 14:09 2 Min 0 SAT
25 03003 Hwh Jat Special Howrah Junction Jammu Tawi 15:13 15:15 2 Min 0 THU
26 12355 Archana SF Express Patna Junction Jammu Tawi 15:14 15:16 2 Min 2 TUE SAT 2A 3A SL
27 21068 Saket Link Express Rae Bareli Junction Lokmanya Tilak Terminus 16:15 16:15 0 Min 1 SUN THU 3A SL Origin
28 22683 Yesvantpur - Lucknow SF Express Yesvantpur Junction Lucknow Charbagh Nr 16:12 16:17 5 Min 1 MON 2A 3A SL
29 12173 Udyog Nagri Express Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Pratapgarh Junction 16:20 16:25 5 Min 3 SUN TUE 2A 3A SL
30 14209 Prayagraj Sangam - Lucknow InterCity Express Prayagraj Sangam Lucknow Charbagh Nr 17:22 17:24 2 Min 2 DAILY CC
31 84370 CPU BRWD Passenger Bareilly Junction Barwadih Junction 17:55 18:00 5 Min 0 MON WED FRI
32 14370 Tanakpur - Singrauli Triveni Express Tanakpur Singrauli 17:55 18:00 5 Min 1 MON WED FRI 2A 3A SL 2S
33 74202 Lucknow - Pratapgarh DEMU Lucknow Charbagh Nr Pratapgarh Junction 18:17 18:22 5 Min 3 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT
34 14216 Ganga Gomti Express Lucknow Charbagh Nr Prayagraj Sangam 19:31 19:33 2 Min 1 DAILY CC
35 14203 Varanasi - Lucknow InterCity Express Varanasi Junction Lucknow Charbagh Nr 20:00 20:02 2 Min 3 DAILY CC
36 22684 Lucknow - Yesvantpur SF Express Lucknow Charbagh Nr Yesvantpur Junction 20:00 20:05 5 Min 1 THU 2A 3A SL
37 14511 Nauchandi Express Prayagraj Sangam Saharanpur Junction 20:11 20:15 4 Min 1 DAILY 1A 2A 3A SL 2S
38 04209 Bsb Uhp Express Varanasi Junction Old Delhi Junction 20:43 20:48 5 Min 0 TUE FRI
39 12184 Pratapgarh - Bhopal SF Express Pratapgarh Junction Bhopal Junction 20:47 20:49 2 Min 3 MON WED SAT 2A 3A SL
40 12540 Lucknow - Yesvantpur SF Express Lucknow Charbagh Nr Yesvantpur Junction 21:20 21:25 5 Min 2 FRI 2A 3A SL 2S
41 14201 Jaunpur Jn. - Rae Bareli Express Jaunpur Junction Rae Bareli Junction 22:00 22:00 0 Min 1 DAILY Destination
42 04512 Amb Andaura - Prayag Ghat Kumbh Mela Special Fare Special Amb Andaura Prayag Ghat 22:50 22:52 0 Min 1 FRI SAT
43 12371 Howrah - Jaisalmer SF Express Howrah Junction Jaisalmer 23:03 23:08 5 Min 3 MON 1A 2A 3A SL
44 12353 Howrah - Lal Kuan Weekly SF Express Howrah Junction Lal Kuan Junction 23:06 23:11 5 Min 2 FRI 2A 3A SL

Location of Rae Bareli Junction (RBL) Station

RBL - Rae Bareli Junction : All Trains Timing FAQ

Q : How to check All Trains on any station Online?

A : You can check IRCTC All Train Status or the Live Status of all Trains of Indian Railways here at Indian Railways All Trains.
This is one of the fastest ways to get correct information and check arrival status of all trains on a particular station in real time.
All you need to do is enter the Station Name or Station Code in box above to get the current status of all the trains arriving on that station in next 4/8 hours. You can find Station Name or Code by just entering first 3 letters and it will show you a list from which you can select the station.
All Trains on a station can also be checked at that station where enquiry counter are available for this purpose.

Q : How to check All Train status through SMS?

A : SMS Service : SMS 'AD ' to 139
Eg : AD 12002 0755

Q : How to check All Train status through Phone?

A : Railway Enquiry Number : Call 139

Q : What does the All Train Status headings mean?

A : S.No: Serial No's of Stations where the train stops.
Station Name & Code: Name & Station Code of Stations where the train stops.
Actual Arrival Time: Train Arrival Time when it actually arrived at that station.
Actual Departure Time: Train Departure Time when it actually arrived at that station.
Late / Early: Wthether the train is on time or delayed and by how much time.
Current Position: Arrived / Departed / Estimated as the case maybe.
Scheduled Arrival Time: Time when train was originally scheduled to arrive at that station.
Scheduled Departure Time: Time when train was originally scheduled to depart from that station.
Halt Time: Stoppage time at that station.
Platform Number: The platform number where the train actually or is scheduled to stop
Enroute Day: Number of Day of train travel.
Distance: Distance covered from Origin Station

Q : Why do i get Error. Please try later : Message / Status?

A : If the all train running status for your queried station is not delivered, the following reasons could be responsible:
1 - You entered an incorrect or invalid station.
2 - Indian Railways server is down or overloaded.

Q : How are all Train Status Tracked?

A : The latest train status is reflected via an accurate GPS tracker and navigation system that provides accurate real time data for the travellers.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a a global navigation satellite system that provides geo-location and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth.
The GPS operates independently of any telephonic or internet reception and does not require the user to transmit any data.

For More information & queries about this, please check Indian Railways FAQ is not related / affiliated or endorsed by Indian Railways or IRCTC or Government of India in any manner. is for Travel Information Purpose only and will not be liable for any loss/damages due to the information it provides.
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