Indian Railways : Kalka Mail : Train Time Table Train No : 12311

Train Time Table

Train History

Schedule Info

Train No : 12311 : Kalka Mail

Train Time Table

S No Station
(in Kms)
1 Howrah Junction HWH Day 1 19:40 19:40 0 Min 9 0
2 Barddhaman Junction BWN Day 1 20:50 20:55 5 Min 1 95
3 Durgapur DGR Day 1 21:43 21:45 2 Min 3 158
4 Asansol Junction ASN Day 1 22:17 22:22 5 Min 4 201
5 Dhanbad Junction DHN Day 1 23:26 23:31 5 Min 3 259
6 Netaji Sc Bose Junction Gomoh GMO Day 1 23:56 00:01 5 Min 3 289
7 Parasnath PNME Day 2 00:12 00:15 3 Min 3 307
8 Hazaribagh Road HZD Day 2 00:36 00:39 3 Min 0 334
9 Koderma Junction KQR Day 2 01:11 01:14 3 Min 4 382
10 Gaya Junction GAYA Day 2 02:55 03:00 5 Min 1 458
11 Dehri On Sone DOS Day 2 03:57 03:59 2 Min 2 543
12 Sasaram Junction SSM Day 2 04:12 04:14 2 Min 2 561
13 Bhabua Road BBU Day 2 04:45 04:47 2 Min 2 609
14 Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction DDU Day 2 06:10 06:25 15 Min 7 663
15 Mirzapur MZP Day 2 07:35 07:37 2 Min 3 727
16 Prayagraj Jn PRYJ Day 2 09:00 09:10 10 Min 1 816
17 Fatehpur FTP Day 2 10:50 10:52 2 Min 3 933
18 Kanpur Central CNB Day 2 12:25 12:35 10 Min 1 1010
19 Phaphund PHD Day 2 13:44 13:46 2 Min 3 1094
20 Etawah Junction ETW Day 2 14:25 14:30 5 Min 1 1150
21 Shikohabad Junction SKB Day 2 15:06 15:08 2 Min 3 1205
22 Firozabad FZD Day 2 15:30 15:35 5 Min 3 1225
23 Tundla Junction TDL Day 2 16:10 16:15 5 Min 1 1242
24 Hathras Junction HRS Day 2 16:53 16:55 2 Min 2 1290
25 Aligarh Junction ALJN Day 2 17:20 17:25 5 Min 4 1320
26 Khurja Junction KRJ Day 2 17:55 17:57 2 Min 2 1363
27 Ghaziabad Junction GZB Day 2 20:00 20:02 2 Min 3 1426
28 Old Delhi Junction DLI Day 2 21:00 21:30 30 Min 5 1446
29 Sabzi Mandi SZM Day 2 21:43 21:45 2 Min 1 1449
30 Sonipat Junction SNP Day 2 22:14 22:16 2 Min 2 1489
31 Ganaur GNU Day 2 22:29 22:31 2 Min 2 1505
32 Samalkha SMK Day 2 22:43 22:45 2 Min 2 1518
33 Panipat Junction PNP Day 2 23:01 23:03 2 Min 3 1535
34 Karnal KUN Day 2 23:30 23:32 2 Min 2 1569
35 Kurukshetra Junction KKDE Day 3 00:36 00:38 2 Min 1 1602
36 Ambala Cantt Junction UMB Day 3 01:55 02:05 10 Min 7 1644
37 Chandigarh Junction CDG Day 3 02:55 03:55 60 Min 3 1689
38 Chandi Mandir CNDM Day 3 04:08 04:10 2 Min 1 1698
39 Kalka KLK Day 3 04:35 04:35 0 Min 1 1714

Train Detail

Train No Train Name Origin Station Destination Station Running Days Travel Class Train Type
12311 Kalka Mail KLK (HWH) Kalka (KLK) DAILY 1A 2A 3A SL 2S SuperFast

Train Coach Position


Route from Howrah Junction (HWH) to Kalka (KLK)

12311 - Kalka Mail : Train Time Table FAQ

Q : How to check Train Time Table Online?

A : You can check IRCTC Train Time Table or the Train Schedule And Train Timings of any Indian Railways Train here at Indian Railways Train Time Table.
This is one of the fastest ways to get correct information and find your train in real time.
All you need to do is enter the Train Number or Train Name in box above to get the updated schedule of the train.
You can find Train Name or number by just entering first 3 letters / digits and it will show you a list from which you can select the train.
Train Time Table can also be checked at every stations where enquiry counters are available for this purpose.

Q : How to check Train Time Table through SMS?

A : SMS Service : SMS 'TIME ' to 139
Eg : AD 12002

Q : How to check Train Time Table through Phone?

A : Railway Enquiry Number : Call 139

Q : What does the Train Time Table headings mean?

A : S.No: Serial No's of Stations where the train stops.
Station Name & Code: Name & Station Code of Stations where the train stops.
Scheduled Arrival Time: Time when train was originally scheduled to arrive at that station.
Scheduled Departure Time: Time when train was originally scheduled to depart from that station.
Halt Time: Stoppage time at that station.
Platform Number: The platform number where the train actually or is scheduled to stop
Enroute Day: Number of Day of train travel.
Distance: Distance covered from Origin Station.

Q : Why do i get Error. Please try later : Message / Status?

A : If the Train Time Table for your queried train number is not delivered, the following reasons could be responsible:
1 - You entered an incorrect or invalid train number.
2 - Indian Railways server is down or overloaded.

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